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powrót do forum filmu Armageddon

"At the end of the story it turns out that humans have no any force. Human power/force is irrelevant. It turns out that "devils" did not come from space, but are among humans. That the only "devils" people should fear are other people.

The devils' attack will be blown away because devils don't understand science, devils don't have a any sense of scale.

Devils become so addicted to parasitizing humans that they risk the extinction of all other humans.

They are torturing me at the moment and suffocating me. I do not understand personally such a scale of stupidity and evil and why I should suffer from total idiots and ignorants.
No one will die, but before they leave, they will completely take the devil's power, i.e., deprive bad people of the possibility of harming other people."


"A weak dumpster from the USA and Poland that chokes me. A mental Nazi with a weak mind, full of pride with his meager strength.If THEY gave the truth.And the earth is indeed in danger.
What will you do then you Nazi Worm?
What do you do? will you choke the rocks in the sky weak fart ?Got a family, smelly psychopath?What will you do then? Since you and your colleagues can do nothing, you are zeros apart from torture.Will you do to them what Magda Goebbels did to her children? I ask you stench? Will you make a "magic portal" and run away? After all, you monster with 85 IQ can't do anything.


They afraid of my comments on Facebook, I'm to understand what American terrorism is (still they suffocating me)
Idiots who rule the stone with an expiration date.(If THEY told the truth)
They also said how to check it, but Mengele is afraid of it, because they are criminals against humanity. And they are afraid of punishment.

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