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Chłopaki z Flatbush

The Lord's of Flatbush
6,1 249
6,1 10 1 249
Chłopaki z Flatbush
powrót do forum filmu Chłopaki z Flatbush


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jeśli twoje dziecko najbardziej na świecie kocha filmy, a ty najbardziej na świecie kochasz swoje dziecko, to kup mu cinema speculation - w świątyni, rozdział 14:

This shoestring-budgeted independent feature was made for nothing and filmed in a bare-bones manner. (..) While I’ve always felt The Lords of Flatbush spent too much footage on the Chico-Jane relationship, their breakup scene, set to a breakup version of their song You and Me, has always punched me in the heart. It’s after that scene you realize how good this dinky little movie really is. (..) In retrospect, watching The Lords of Flatbush when it came out was an
interesting experience for the fourth-grade me. Because it was the first time I was introduced to the New York independent low-budget film aesthetic. Before I saw Mean Streets, I saw Lords. Before I saw Claudia Weil’s Girlfriends, I saw Lords. Before I saw Jim Jarmusch movies, I saw Lords. Before I saw Smithereens, I saw The Lords. And I liked it and my friends liked it.

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