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Before Midnight
7,0 31 778
7,0 10 1 31778
7,8 33
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"When I think of my husband, what I miss the most about him is the way he used to lie down next to me at night. Sometimes his arm would stretch along my chest and I could not move, I…I even held my breath. But I felt safe, complete.I miss the way he was whistling walking down the street, and every time we do something I think of what he would say, when it’s cold today, wear a scarf.But lately I’ve been forgetting little things, it’s sort of fading, and I’m starting to forget him. And it’s like…like losing him again. So sometimes I make myself remember every detail of his face the exact color of his eyes, his lips, his teeth. The texture of his skin, his hair. That was all gone by the time he went. And sometimes… not always, but sometimes, I can actually see him.It’s as if a cloud moves away and there he is. And I could almost touch him. But then… the real world rushes in. And he vanishes again.But what I did every morning when the sun was not too bright outside. But the sun somehow makes him vanish.And he appears and disappears like a sunrise and a sunset. Anything, so ephemeral.It’s just like our life, we appear and we disappear. We are so important to some, but we are just… passing through."

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Co za pretensjonalne farmazony. Właśnie dlatego ten film tak bardzo ustępuje poprzednim częściom. Bo wówczas to, co nieuchwytne (co wielu nazywało - słusznie lub nie - magią) reżyser ledwie szkicował; pytał wraz z bohaterami o tak wiele spraw nie dając odpowiedzi, szukał. W trzeciej części już wie, zna odpowiedzi, ale to mało, udziela ich w minoderyjny (to słowo pasuje do tegoż utworu Linklatera jak ulał), pseudopoetycki sposób. Rozczarowująca, a przede wszystkim niepotrzebna, kontynuacja.


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