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powrót do forum filmu Superakcelator

a propos błędnego tytułu - macie, znalezione w sieci:

In particle physics, the loss of the supercollider project has relegated America to a back seat in the quest to understand the structure of matter.
Regrettably, the American superconducting supercollider project was cancelled, but a European accelerator called the large hadron collider will begin operating at a lab in Geneva, Switzerland (called CERN) around 2005.
A supercollider is in fact being built: the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.
He pauses, then adds, ‘The good thing is that in finance we don't have to build [particle] supercolliders .’
It is used mainly in cars, planes, bridges, computer chips, artificial body parts and in supercolliders , like the particle accelerator in Geneva, Switzerland.

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