Czarna lista (2013-2023)
Czarna lista: Sezon 8 Czarna lista sezon 8, odcinek 10
odcinek Czarna lista (2013-2023)

Dr Laken Perillos (nr 70)

The Russian Knot 43m
7,9 90
7,9 10 1 90
Czarna lista
powrót do forum s8e10

Ten odcinek to był wysyp świetnych cytatów:

"I've lost any perspective of what Agent Keen is capable of." - Red o Liz, lol

"I'll get you a cane to remember me by." - Red po postrzeleniu w nogę kolesia od 'prania' brudnych pieniędzy Townsenda :D

Rozmowa Reda z Townsendem przez telefon:
- "I-I had no idea you were such a romantic."
- "Oh, my goodness, yes. I have many "thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears." At the moment, the main one being to put a bullet in your forehead."
btw. swoją drogą można wyguglowac kogo cytuje Red ;)

Riposta Reda do Dr. Perillos xD:
- "Are you familiar with lymphocytic choriomeningitis?"
- "If I say yes, can we skip the demonstration?"

Aram gdy mówił o handlarzach 'rybami':
"I feel like there's a separate Blacklist case in here somewhere." = XD

Red o bólu:
"I'd prefer to have my pain ignored than to have no pain at all. Without pain, there can be
no real pleasure."

Red kierujący słowa do Liz:
"It saddens me to bear witness to this moment in your life. This...crossing of a Rubicon from which you can never get back. I know, in this moment, it may appear self-serving to suggest that you instruct the good doctor to administer the antidote, but I strongly suggest
that you do just that.....because...I have... seen the other side of that river.....and it's a place I never....never wanted you to go."

Dembe do Ruddigera gdy wqrwił się, aby powiedział mu, gdzie trzymają Reda:
"Ruddiger, look at me! I'm gonna make what that woman did to your hand feel like a manicure unless you tell me where they are holding Raymond."

ocenił(a) serial na 9

Raymonda można by cytować bez końca Większość "jego" haseł jest szczera do bólu


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