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Rodzinne grzechy

Family Sins
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Members of real-life Burt family spent time in prison

At the end of Family Sins, members of the Geck family are sent to prison for a very long time.

In the real-life case of the Burt family, lengthy sentences were also handed down, in 1994, but substantial portions of those sentences were suspended, reducing the amount of time they were required to serve in prison. All members of the Burt family have since been released, though some returned to prison for violating terms of their probation.

Matriarch Frances Burt, described by the police as the "Ma Barker" of the family, was sentenced to 30 years, with 11 years to serve and 19 years suspended. She was released from the Adult Correctional Institutions in June 2001 and is serving 19 years of probation.

Her husband, Walter Burt, was sentenced to 25 years, with 7 to serve and 18 suspended. He was released from the ACI in November 1998 and is serving 18 years of probation.

Their son, Dennis Burt, was sentenced to 12 years, with 4 1/2 to serve and 7 1/2 suspended. He was released from the ACI in August 1997, but sent back for a probation violation. He got out again last month and is serving 54 months of probation.

Another son, Raymond Burt, was sentenced to six years in prison and was released in January 1998. He is serving nine years of probation.

Daughter Cynthia Burt was sentenced to time served, plus probation, after cooperating with authorities. She is no longer in the state correctional system.

Raymond Burt's longtime companion, Tammy Lacoste, was sentenced to probation and is no longer in the state correctional system.

The only person connected with the Burt case still in custody, according to an ACI spokeswoman, is a friend of Dennis Burt, who did not originally receive any time to serve. Gerard Taddeo had been given a seven-year suspended sentence. He is currently being held at the ACI without bail as a probation violator and has other charges not related to the Burt case pending against him.

Three others received suspended sentences and were released before the Burts themselves were sentenced. They are: the Burts' adopted daughter, Renee Demrest; their son-in-law, Keith Demrest, and Eneida Facha, Frances Burt's niece.

Widzę, że nie tylko w Polsce sądy ulgowo traktują przestępców.


Aż nie wierzę w to co czytam. Film jest straszny i straszne jest to, że tacy ludzie istnieją. Mam nadzieję, że wszystkie ich ofiary zwiał jak najdalej, a innych ofiar już nie ma :( Szkoda, że pomimo tylu dowodów, świadków sprawiedliwość zawiodła.

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