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Los nuestros
6,5 134
6,5 10 1 134
powrót do forum serialu Komandosi

This Spanish mini series is an offense to the Special Forces and soldiers of this country not only taking part in the Malian conflict, but for the Spanish army in general. I will mention a few basic "shortcomings" of this misunderstanding.
1) Tactical behavior, all soldiers shown here at the level of boys playing war with a beater.
2) Shooting skills, like high school students in the Defense Training classes during the first lesson, because in the second they would have been shooting better than those of the film commandos.
3) It is known that the troops taking part in foreign missions in areas so culturally different from Europe are trained from the basics of behavior and customs there, and here the soldiers act as the worst ignorants and make jokes about it.
4) Combat scenes look as if the Spaniards were waiting each time for it to be killed.
5) Hand to hand combat ... two commandos can not deal with one opponent !!! 6) When another two soldiers encounter a car - maybe trap, they approach it like a box of chocolates.
7) Reactions of parents of kidnapped children and they themselves with their film behavior is more like in Home Alone.
And that would be so my Dear, because if I wanted to write more I would have to, even unintentionally, to spoiler. I forced myself, and it was not easy to consciously waste 4 hours of my life to watch this series to the end. But I devoted myself to the public only to be able to write a reliable assessment of this production. I am only astonished by both the director and the screenwriter, that they allowed themselves to be such an insult to their own army. Saying goodbye greetings to all lovers of good cinema.

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